Monday, July 25, 2011

The Script

In this MTV era, it is hard to come by good singers who write music with integrity and depth. That is why The Script is a rare gem. The 3 Dublin blokes sing songs about the broken-hearted that touch the hearts of the young (my teen) and the old (me). I especially like their song 'For the First Time', about a couple struggling to find their place in the world. It kind of reminds me of my early years of marriage. My hubby was studying for his Masters and I was starting out as a teacher. We were always worried about money but somehow God provided and we were never lacking. Thinking back, it was a tough time but it cemented our bond and solidified our marriage. I believe if we had not gone through hardship together and stayed the course, our marriage may not have survived. So, for young couples who just started out, it's a long journey ahead but take heart, you can always rely on your partner through the ups and downs, especially the downs. Never say, 'I give up!'