Monday, July 20, 2009

Let the mane thing be the main thing

I have a full head of long thick hair. Many people have told me that they envied me for having so much hair and never having to worry about going bald. I always tell them that being hairy has its woes, like how incredibly hot it is to walk under the Singapore sun. It's like wearing a sweater on my head in summer. Unlike girls with tamed, nicely-coifed do, I always found it a challenge to style my wavy thick blob of mess. So I end up tying it half-way. This has been my hairdo for years. It's safe and fuss-free. In fact, I've taken such a nonchalant attitude to my hair that I simply couldn't be bothered to blow dry or comb it. In short, I took my hair for granted.

Last Friday, after coming home from a night out with my girlfriends, I washed my hair (although I neglect my hair, I'm still a clean freak!) and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache. I call it the 'mother of all headaches' as it refused to leave me alone for the entire weekend. At first I thought my lack of sleep could be the cause of it but upon some reflection, I realised that I have been sleeping with wet hair quite frequently. Maybe it wasn't an old wives tale afterall. Maybe we really shouldn't sleep with wet hair. Anyhow, I've decided that in order to prevent myself from future pains in the head, henceforth, I shall take good care of my hair. Making sure it's dry before I go to bed would be the first step. But don't expect me to comb or dye or do anything glamorous with my hair (except for glamorous occasions which, thankfully, hardly ever happens). I intend to keep my hair the way God has intended it to be - beautifully untamed.

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